Thanks to the creative thinking and diligent work of devoted volunteers, Annie’s G.A.L.A. proved to be a success story! Annie’s Star-Spangled Gala has been a long-standing annual fundraiser for the Garst Museum and normally takes place in June. Due to circumstances surrounding COVID, many things had to change in order to keep the fundraiser on the calendar for 2020. This included the new date of October 3, a different name—Annie’s G.A.L.A (Garst Alternative to the Live Auction), an event website, and pre-ordered dinners that were picked up in the new Garst Museum parking lot. But, the energy and anticipation did not change. Eager bidders filled the Lowell Thomas Gallery watching the final offers for items mount before the auction closed and waiting for the beach-house drawing winner to be announced. Much excitement of the auction surrounded the competitive bidding on a Bob Brubaker painting, donated by Park National Bank, depicting a fort scene of what might have occurred in the days of General Anthony Wayne. And, the lucky winner of the drawing for the one-week Florida stay in the Ft. Myers’ home, donated by Mike and Sherri Jones, was Bonnie Perry! It is the enthusiastic support of the people of Darke County and the generous corporate sponsorships and donations that made Annie’s G.A.L.A. a success. The Garst Museum wishes to thank Aim Midwest Media for their Premier Sponsorship.