It’s July and everyone is talking about sidewalk sales. Capturing this excitement, Garst Museum is having an “inside” sidewalk sale. It does not cost anything to come in and look! Bargains, bargains, and more bargains—over 200 items have been reduced in price! Commemorative plates, books, mini crocks, postcards, prints, and replica pioneer toys are just a few items to mention, and more can be spotted on the merchandise tables featured in the photos on Garst’s Facebook page.
You could find yourself engrossed in a book of historic tours of Ohio that describes and pictures the homes of the U.S. presidents from Ohio. As most of us are experiencing staycations this year, these would be perfect getaways for a day. Do you know someone who is curious about the fascinating life of Buffalo Bill? You can snatch up his autobiography from the sale as a surprise gift.
Get started early shopping for those unique stocking stuffers.
The Museum is open Tuesday–Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and masks are required.